Monday, July 30, 2007
Forgive me for the lack of updating of my blog!
It's been so long since i last posted my entry.
Alright,school has been fine so far.
But life was tough.
It's not an easy task.
Staying back almost everyday makes me sick.
Maths lessons is always boring.
It happened during term 3,when we are all being taught by NIE training teacher.
I just can't concentrate and i didn't know what she was teaching.
And i had lots of question marks that fly pass in my mind.
Afterall,maths is still my weakest subject.
In less than ten weeks time,
we are going to have our common tests and End Of Year Examination.
I am not going to screwed up my maths.
Got to revised and study all by myself.
English lessons is interesting and fun.
We went to the computer lab,
and read one passage through a small mike and a headphone to hear how we sound like.
It's definitely going to help for ORAL.
Geography lesson is when i always felt asleep in class,
when my friends will throw paper balls at me to wake me up.
And seriously,i hate art the most.I totally suck at digital art.
But i will still managed to complete my artwork. :D
Leadership workshop sucks totally because it's boring,
a total of seven lessons but three weeks had passed.
Four more weeks to go,i don't want to suffer anymore!
Reading today was alright,borrowed one storybook from the mobile library in the hall.
Ok,is it shocking that i atually borrow books ? HAHAHA!
The title of the book is 'TUESDAY WITH MORRIE' by Mitch Albom,what a great book.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Starburst 2007! :D
It's friday! =)
And it's when we commemorate racial harmony day and we had starburst atnight.
Had a short performance at the hall,
and we missed d&t lessons because there's no relief teacher.
And 3 whole periods was just so freedom,
we do whatever we want in classroom,where no teachers was around.
Atnight,we had Starburst at Nanyang Polytechnic.
Was my first time going there,alone.
So i had spent sometime trying to figure out where it is.
But atlast i managed to reached on time,and we went in to the auditorium.
Thankyou those who had guided me the route to NYP through mobile phone,
because i am quite lost.
I never thought that it could be such a great performance.
And i am really glad that everyone of you did great.
I am so proud of you guys.
Three hours just past like that and starburst is officially over.
I am looking forward for 2009 cultural night !
You guys are just so AWESOME!
And Miss Chan seems to be really stressed and fustrated,
when giving out the starburst tickets in the morning.
But after that she went crazy and was happily hugging all other performers.
I am sure the satisfaction is overwhelming.
Good job,two months of rehearsals was being paid off !

Karina,the princess :D

Geraldine Ong :D

Angeline,Liping & Me. :D
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Prefect Investiture had finally came to an end.
Everything went on smoothly,
even though there are alot of things left undone right before assembly.
People carrying benches,emcee rehearsing their lines,etc.
Finally,all our hardwork are being paid off.TODAY!
Saw representatives from other school,and i met jiaxin! :D
A moment later,we are all at the backstage and feeling excited.
Finally,it's our turn to walk on the red carpet and it's rather embarrassing.
Because flashes coming from different angles,
due to people clicking away on their cameras could be seen.
And the whole hall was filled with cheerings,and is in a high atmosphere.
Later on,we had certificate of appointment to all the prefects.
You know,people had sweaty palms.
Lucky i bought wet tissues to wipe my hands. :D
After the whole ceremony,we proceed down to the canteen.
To had debrief,and we cheer very loudly that everyone is staring at us.
Went down to the basement for reception,
took group photo together with other school representatives.
Thankyou all seniors who had made Prefect Investiture a successful one.
No picturesss. :D
I wanted to have the chance to emcee event as what i indicate under my wishlists colum.
But there's no opportunity that is coming on my way.
I wanted to emcee so desperately.
And i believe that the day will arrived soon,or later,or in a way or another.
Why are there the same old people emceeing the event whereby they don't even give others a chance ; depressed.
Stay positive.